In discovery of a valuable, rare area...

Lac Lozon is a unique opportunity for discovering the rare luxuriance of flora and fauna in one of the richest and most interesting wetlands in the Valle d’Aosta. A particularly original environment, offering a magnificent view over the valley and towards the Matterhorn.


  • Where:

    The Loson Pond Natural Reserve - Verrayes

  • Duration of activity and period recommended:

    1-2 days with overnight stay
    Spring, summer, autumn

  • Physical preparation and equipment:

    All participants should have a minimum level of physical fitness.
    Equipment recommended for trekking: hiking boots and walking poles. 
    Since the terrain is not particularly difficult, also trainers can be worn.


Uphill from Cheresoulaz (1496m) to the Col Saint Pantaleon (1726 m) and then to the Col des Bornes (1778 m): 282 m. Descent 282 m. Travel times on a typical day: departure 9.00 am return at 17.00. Packed Lunches. Route that is suitable for use of the bike.




Dislivello 282 m


1-2 days with overnight
overnight stay


Spring, summer, autumn



Viva recommends consulting the official tourism website of the Aosta Valley to find out DOVE MANGIARE

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