Coasting the Dora Baltea, between La Salle and Morgex, you unexpectedly reach a spot where the water expands to form small lakes and marshes in the river scrubs. Here lie the singular wetlands, today known as the Regional Natural Reserve of the Marais (Marshlands). A shelter for all aquatic fauna and flora species, today very rare, if not totally absent in the rest of the region. This wetland environment, set on the valley floor - one of the remaining few in Valle d’Aosta - is strategically located for aquatic birds during their nesting or migratory phase. The migrating birds will in fact find food and shelter in this halting area, during their lengthy journeys from summer to winter sites and vice-versa.
From a botanical point of view, the Marais Reserve offers two very picturesque environments: the hygrophilous woods of White Alders, practically inexistent at regional level, and the bed of reeds, a shelter and nesting place for birds, amphibians and insects. A walk on the footbridge allows the visitor to discover the inherent characteristics and atmosphere of this precious environment.
The small dimensions of the Reserve allow for the development of a single, short but charming non-circular itinerary, which, in a little over half an hour, lets the visitor observe a considerable variety of habitats, plants and animals.
Discover the site
The best period to visit the Reserve is during the migratory seasons of spring and autumn, not only for the sighting of the ornithological fauna but also for the luxuriance of its woods’ undergrowth.
In order to sight migratory birds, it is recommended to stay in small groups, while didactic outings for school groups must not exceed 20 students: these measures are necessary for the safeguard and respect of the environment. The visit can start on the left bank, entering from the S.S. 26 state road. Here, a sign with the site plan supplies varied information to welcome the visitor. The shore can be reached in few minutes and from the equipped shed, it is possible to observe the fauna halting over the flooding waters. A well-marked pedestrian path directs the visitor towards an elevated footbridge which crosses the hygrophilous forest until it reaches a small islet at the site’s exit, rich in plant species in full activity. The same path is used for the return.
On the right bank, another bird-observation shed is available but the path is shorter and less sinuous. Furthermore, in summer, the site is popular with rafting and fishing lovers, who will find authorized postings for their activities.
Behavioural conduct rules
We remind you that you can contribute to the preservation of these sites by following these simple rules:
visit the natural reserve on foot, avoid using motorized vehicles, boating equipment, hang-gliders, para-gliders or similar; mountain bikes and horseback riding are permitted only in specific authorized areas (external to the site): please respect hikers;
please stay within the marked trails, as trampling can ruin the fragile grass and undergrowth areas;
osserva da lontano gli animali selvaticiplease observe wild animals from a distance, do not capture them, do not disturb them nor feed them, and do not photograph occupied nests;
keep your dog on a leash and on the marked trails;
do not pick minerals or flowers;
do not make fires;
please bring your garbage, where you will find many recyclable waste-collection points.
Come arrivare
In auto
Il primo punto di accesso si raggiunge imboccando il bivio per Chabodey, in corrispondenza della rotonda situata sulla S.S. 26 all’ingresso di Morgex. Dopo circa 200 m (prima del cavalcavia autostradale) è necessario imboccare una strada sulla destra che porta ad un ampio parcheggio (fino a 25 posti auto circa). Tale strada, dopo il parcheggio, diventa pista ciclabile.
Il sito può essere raggiunto anche sulla sponda sinistra della Dora Baltea, arrivando da Aosta a circa 100 m dopo la rotonda si deve svoltare direttamente a sinistra dalla S.S. Qui si trova un piccolo parcheggio, spesso chiuso con una sbarra mobile (3 posti auto).
Accessibility codification of sites
VIVA has chosen to supply everyone – youngsters, adults, the elderly and the disabled – with all the sites’ information so as to allow the visitor to choose a destination in an autonomous way.
An “Accessibility Codification”has thus been defined.
Marais marshlands of Morgex-La Salle - Natural Reserve
Information to reach the site |
0 |
Accessibility from main roads |
3 |
Parking for the disabled |
3 |
Accessible restrooms |
0 |
Information panels |
3 |
Slopes (max 8%) |
2-3 |
Trail width (min 90cm) |
3 |
Road surface |
3 |
Resting areas approx every 10 m |
3 |
Safety and protection of trails |
3 |
Periodic maintenance |
3 |
0 corresponds to ABSENCE of the indicated parameter;
3 corresponds to the PRESENCE of the indicated parameter, in optimal condition;
1 – 2 are INTERMEDIATE VALUES: in general, they indicate the presence of the parameter which must however be improved (1 = sufficient, 2 = close to optimal)
VIVA suggests:
Short path
- Elevation gain : praticamente nullo
- Travel time: 30 min
- Signposting: -
What to see:
Easy trails: routes that present no major technical difficulties or too challenging slopes. They can be covered in full or in small sections, allowing in both cases to come into contact with unspoilt nature, discovering its pace and balance …
Medium difficult trails: routes that can be covered in a day, varying considerably in terms of height differences and technical difficulty; the benefit is in being able to reach wildlife destinations of great impact.
Long trails: excursions lasting several days which provide for stopover places and catering along the route.